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Postplan Plans Po Blitz
I A small London-based parels carrier is planning a £25 nillion expansion throughout he UK this summer in a bid to :stablish a platform from which o break the Post Office's......
Amsterdam Shares In Tip Big Offer
• Shares in TIP Europe came up for grabs on the Amsterdam stock exchange last week as part of a two-stage listing in Britain and Holland. This follows a similar, but larger,......
Trucks Up For Daimler-benz
• Daimler-Benz' profit held steady in 1987, with truck sales up by 8%. The company is boosting truck output in both its German and foreign factories, especially of heavy......
Lynx Think
• Lynx Express is asking its customers what they think of its service. They are being asked to grade drivers and office staff on a one-to-five scale. Lynx says only 10% of......