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ANTI-CABOTAGE CAMPAIGN • The Transport and General Workers Union southern region is holding a public meeting next month as part of its anticabotage changes campaign. The union......
Steaming Away
• Beamish North of England Open Air Museum in Stanley, County Durham, is staging a steam and commercial vehicle day on Sunday 4 September. Locomotives, steam tractors, steam......
Dates Set For 1988 Truck Racing
• The 1988 truck racing calendar includes three key events in the UK. On 9 and 10 April, Brands Hatch will host the European Championship races before the drivers move onto the......
Winter Driving
A68 SNOW GATES • Snow gates and signs have been fitted at the bottom of Soutra Hill on the A68 in Scotland to warn drivers if the road has been closed because of bad weather. In......
Fit-anywhere Fuel H Eater From Lucas
• Lucas CAV has developed a fuel heater which can fit into the low-pressure fuel line anywhere between tank and filter. The company already makes its D-Wax model, which slots......
Road News
M6 SUMMER DELAYS • Major roadworks on the M6 Preston bypass this summer will cause considerable delays, warns the Department of Transport.......
N Ewbury Delays This Month
• Drivers in Berkshire are warned to expect delays during March on the A34 Sandleford Link, Newbury, while central reserve safety fences are renewed. Traffic on the dual......
North C1rcular Blockage
• The Department of Transport has warned motorists in East London to expect temporary Sunday closure of the northbound carriageway of the A406 North Circular Road (the South......