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Working Hours
When are we exempt from keeping to drivers’ hours? We have an operating centre on one of the Scottish islands with six lorries over 3.5 tonnes. Its area is less than 2,300m 2 .......
Expiry dates How do I remove expired points and endorsements from my licence? You can have the expired endorsements removed by exchanging your driving licence for a new one.......
Abnormal Loads
What happens when an abnormal load job goes wrong? We carried out an abnormal load job for a customer and gave a notiication to the police for the speciied route. The local......
What’s Your Problem?
If you’d like to ask the RHA helpdesk experts a question, please email patric.cunnane@ or write to Legal Q+A, Commercial Motor, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton......
When can you ask for your job back? A haulier makes three drivers redundant. Unaware of this, another driver gives in his notice on the same day, relieving the need to make......
When do we need to have a tacho fitted? We run some four-wheel drive vehicles, which occasionally pull trailers loaded with mini-diggers and the like. This takes them over 3.5......