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up time PROPOSALS for making the use of headlamps compulsory when driving at night have been made by Dr John Gilbert, Minister for Transport. Draft regulations have been sent to......
New Scots Deal Clears The Way
SCOTTISH hauliers and union leaders last week signed a new deal which it is hoped will bring long-term peace in the industry. The agreement, to set up a joint industrial coundl,......
Sorry, Leyland
A MISPRINT in a caption on page 46 of last week's CM gave a wrong impression of .a point Mr Ron Ellis was making in his CM Conference presentation. The reference—to the varying......
'heavier Trucks Are Lighter On Fuel'
INCREASES in permitted truck weights would bring big savings in fuel, while the raising of axle limits from 10 tons to 13 tonnes could cut overall consumption of fuel by heavy......
Tank Hire Firm Set
U p A NEW road-haulage company has been set up in West Yorkshire to specialise in the spot hire of tankers carrying bulk Patterson Bulk Liquids is a E250,000 enterprise which......
Short Change Weight Probe
TWO INSPECTORS of the Cheshire county trading standards department have been specially assigned to investigate underweight deliveries to building sites, according to the annual......