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Arriving In Style Oilers, Bentleys And Limos Are The Usual
means of transport for guests at London's top people's hotel, the Savoy in the Strand. However, lorry driver Ilona Richards plans to put them all in the shade. The founder of......
Badlysprung Dureh Techniek La He Germans Have
made a magnanimous gesture to ease transport distribution problems in the Soviet Union — providing 7,000 trucks from the former East German army, Presumably, by the time Ivan......
A Speedy Side-order T Was A Case Of Hot [i
dogs with relish on the side of the M4 when a hot-dog seller opened for business on the hard shoulder after stopping to change a tyre. The vendor had mustard a hungry queue by......
What A Load Of Rubbish A Truck-load Of Cars En
route to the crusher made instant scrap of this Basildon dustcart when the lorry failed to clear a railway bridge and spilt its 3tack of rusting jalopies. The dustcart driver,......