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No Fail On Ovality
IN Following the installation of computerised rolling-road brake testing equipment at HGV test stations some operators fear that their vehicles will fail MoT tests because of......
Workshop Wanted
• TNT Truckcare plans to set up a nationwide network of service and repair sites — and it expects to recruit 250 franchised, independent and fleet workshops over the next 12......
Training Drops
• The number of new apprentices has fallen by 30% this year according to the Engineering Training Authority. This is reflected in the number of apprentice HGV techni cians......
Abs Know-how
• ERF tractive units and prime movers are now fitted with Wabco anti-lock braking systems as standard. Training of dealers staff is now underway; training for operators is also......
Transatlantic Oil
• Shell is to launch a high performance diesel oil which is said to suit European and American engine designs. The new 15W/40 Myrina oil meets American Petroleum Institute......
Portuguese Protection
• MAN drivers in Portugal can now call on a 24-hour breakdown scheme provided by Baviera Cornerc,io de Autornoveis SA_ The emergency number in Portugal is 02 937 4551.......
Dealer Award
• Manchester-based Weer) Ford dealer Quicks has become the first dealer in the UK to be awarded 8S5150 for its entire operation. excluding secondhand sales. Quicks says its......
Kwik Profit
• Fast fit chain Kwik-Fit has announced half-year profits up 67?/a to i16.7 m.......
Computer Draw
• Duckharns is offering three lap-top computers complete with printers and book keeping software as prizes in a nationwide draw open to all buyers of the company's Vanguard oil......
Car Killer
IIII Forthcoming exhaust emission limits are expected to cause one in three petrol engined vehicles to fail the MoT test. Vehicle Inspectorate tests confirm an RAC prediction......