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Case May Finish Haulier
6 6 • Dumfriesbased haulier Ivor M Carson faces ruin following a Sheriffs ruling in favour of a vehicle lessor. Carson was trying to get compensation and a replacement vehicle......
Arm Overload • Halton, Lancaster Magistrates Have Fined...
(Chorley) £400 for exceeding permitted gross and axle weights, despite evidence from the driver of the vehicle that he had disobeyed instructions to check weigh. Forgotten date......
DIRECTORY • Commercial Motor has compiled a nationwide directory of specialist transport lawyers, expert witnesses, consultant engineers and other legal services. The directory......
Downplated Overloading
• Co Tyrone haulier John Allingham, trading as Allingham Transport of Cookstown, Northern Ireland, was accused of overloading a downplated vehicle before the Oldbury......