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Shop Talk
• There is a large and growing number of areas where operators and workshop managers will not be in control of expenditure: health and safety, waste disposal and vehicle......
Too Much Smoke
• Almost 17% of all the vehicles which took up Workshop's offer of a free smoke check failed to meet the standard required in the annual test. This is despite the Vehicle......
Pm Listens For Leaky Tanks
• Forecourt equipment servicing specialist PM is offering a new leakage test on underground fuel tanks without emptying them first. To detect a leak pressure is reduced in the......
5 clinics • HOC is running a series of clinics where welders can discuss any problems they have encountered. Many enquiries are being generated by the shift in emphasis from......
Approved Five
• As Workshop goes to press five smoke meters have been approved by the VI. They are: the Bosch Rrnoo. the Crypton PSA300, the Sun ASA200, Dieseltune DX210 and the Richard......
Sprayshop Neglect
• A survey of skin care in paintshops shows poor awareness and neglect by employees, says Deb Automotive. In the 79 paintshops surveyed, ma used thinners to remove paint......