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Two Express Licences Revoked
T HE Minister of Transport last week ordered the revocation of two new road service licences, granted last October by the Northern Traffic Commissioners, to Saltburn Motor......
Orders And Deliveries
U.N. ORDER DORMOBILE: A Martin Walter Dormobile four-berth caravan on a Land Rover long-wheelbase chassis has been ordered by the United Nations Food and Agriculture......
Micrograms . . .
New Address: The Cardiff office of A.E.C. (Sales), Ltd.. has been moved from Churchill Way. to East Canal Wharf. In The City : The British Motor Corporation, Ltd., have opened a......
Greengrocer Fined £70 For Haulage Work
A WHOLESALE and retail greengrocer, Sidney Day, of River Place, Sleaford Street, Cambridge, was at Clerkenwell (London} magistrates court last week fined a total of £70 and......
Wan Kelmotor Licence For Japan The Japanese Producer Of...
weight goods vehicles and small vans, Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd., of Hiroshima, has been granted a licence by NSU-Motoren-Werke AG, of Neckarsulm, Federal Germany, to produce the......