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New Safe Transporter Has Special Features
rx A VEHICLE designed specially for the transport of safes has recently been supplied .to J. W. Levy and Son, Ltd., Holborn Circus, London, E.C.1, by Stapleton Motors, Ltd., 279......
Tax Exemption For "specials"
ICE-CREAM vans, bullion vans and I mobile offices are affected by revised minimum requirements issued by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise last week, enabling such......
Mobile Strongrooms
Bullion vans, to qualify for exemption. must • have a minimum rated carrying capacity of 15 cwt. and must include among permanently installed equipment the following features so......
Mobile Offices
Mobile offices must have a rated carrying capacity exceeding 10 cwt. and include the following features: the interior height must be not less than 5 ft. 9 in. and desks,......
German-spanish Linkup
7IDAL AND SOHN Tempo-Werk, V GmbH., of Hamburg, Hanamag Barreiros S.A., Madrid, and Rafael Onieva Ariza, a Spanish industrialist, have joined forces to set up Tempo-Onieva S.A.,......