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Hull Drivers Fight For Jobs
— with or without TGWU • More than 200 lorry drivers attended a meeting held at the Walton Street lorry park in Hull on Sunday to discuss the action of the dockers in blacking......
New Drawbar Advantages For Multilift Users
• A new drawbar trailer manufactured by the Cannock branch of York Trailer's truck equipment division is designed for operation with a towing vehicle incorporating the Multilift......
Ten To One
• Ten independent motor accessory factoring firms, all owned by Smiths Industries Ltd, have been merged to form a new single national organization trading under the name......
'ware Stole'
certificates • There are 500 plating certificates ar 500 DoE test certificates somewhere circulation, following a theft at the DoE te station at Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow, la......
Young Hgv Drivers' Training
• A draft directive about the extent s training necessary to enable drivers undi 21 to drive heavy goods vehicles is undi consideration. This was stated in the Commons la week......
Lorry And Bus Accidents
• Though the number of heavy good vehicles involved in accidents which resulte in injury was lower last year than at an time since 1967, the record of fat accidents over the......