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) Urle Loses Six For Three Months
In a written decision last week the stern LA, Mr H. E. Robson, curtailed by vehicles the licence of Purle Bros. oldings) Ltd of Rayleigh, for a ee-month period. The decision......
Iabotage Alleged By Ncl
A suggestion that one of its vehicles d been sabotaged was made by National 'niers Ltd, when it appeared before the puty South Wales LA, Mr Hugh James, der Section 69. Mr......
Driver Fined £90 For Hree Offences
1 The case before the court was a good icample of the worst sort of offence ommitted by lorry drivers, with records eliberately falsified to conceal the working f excessive......
Revocation Next Time, Warns La
• A West Midland paving stone firm which ignored a warning that its operator's licence was in jeopardy after three of its vehicles received four prohibitions was called before......