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Commer Two-stroke Oil Engine In Coach ?
A NEW Beadle integral-construction coach, at present being "operated experimentally on a service to London by Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., is equipped with a......
Coach Hiring Legitimate M.o.t.
A SUBMISSION, supported by the officiating Ministry of Transport inspector, at a recent appeal hearing, that the consistent hiring of vehicles to maintain a regular service was......
3,800 Apply For Disposal List
A NOTHER 1,800 applications for th first list of British Road Servicef. vehicles and other property for disposa had been received by the British Trans 'port Commission by......
More Detail In List No. 2
T HE second list of transport units, be issued by the British Transpo Commission on December 28, will col tam n more detail than the first. Th change is being made to meet......