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Council Remember Past Kindness
AST week's meeting of Holderness Rural District Council rejected an riendrnent proposing that £10 should contributed towards the cost of posing the application of East Yorkire......
Niformity In Rear Lighting Needed
INIFORMITY in the candlepower 1 and mounting of rear lights would table drivers to calculate more easily e distance of vehicles in front, said tt. J. Swarbrick, of Preston......
)1nt Report On Economies?
NRIMSBY and Cleethorpes transport I managers will probably be asked ion to prepare a joint report on their spective undertakings on the question _ economies. At a recent meeting......
T Hr E Appeals In Connection With Ca P Services Have
been dismissed with co ts by the Minister of Transport, it was nnounced on Wednesday. Mon l ys Grey Coaches, Ltd., and A. Towler and Sons, Ltd., appealed against the ref al to......
Amal Appointment
T HE new general manager of Amal, Ltd., is Mr. C. L. Rinks. He succeeds Mr. T. W. Clibbery, who has been ajipointed a director and assistant general manager.......
Trailers By Rail To
Speed Up Transtt Q1DE-LOADING road trailers on kJ special rail cars designed to carry two 35-ft. units are part of a plan developed by the Electro-Motive Division of the General......
W E regret to announce the death of MR. T. KAY, MR. G. H. UPJOHN and MR. ARTHUR WINKLES. Mr. Kay was chairman and founder of Kays (Derby), Ltd., Derby. Mr. Upjohn, who was 60,......