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More Rest, Fewer , Buses, Says Mr. Fitzpayne
1I/TORE vehicles would have to be [VI taken out of service if bus and tram crews in Glasgow had more frequent Saturday rest days, Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayne, general manager of......
Rushden Company Taken Over
THE ordinary share capital of Town sends Carriers, Ltd., Rushden, Northants. has been acquired by another haulage company, E W. Braybrook, Ltd. The directors of Townsends......
Evidence Not Enough For Grant
A PPEARING before the Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday, Mr. T. H. Campbell Wardlaw, for Border Engineering Contractors, Ltd., Whitehaven, admitted that evidence given to......
Mr. Hanlon Taken To Task By Tribunal
A N observation by Mr. I. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, that he was not satisfied that a haulier had operated within the scope of his normal user was criticized by......
Customs Procedure Made Easier For Goods
A SIMPLIFIED form of Customs pro At for British goods vehicles operating to certain European countries will come into force on January 7. This follows Britain's ratification of......