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Professional Qualifications Having Read With Great...
21) I hasten to confirm that the national council of the Institute of Traffic Adminiqration is vitally aware of the necessity for an upto-date approach to the important question......
Iota Invitation As Chairman Of The London Centre Of The
Institute of Traffic Administration, I must reply to the criticism levelled at us in your editorial (January 21). You ask if there is a need for a new professional organization......
Harold Wood And Sons On Two Occasions Recently It Has
been stated in COMMERCIAL MOTOR that Harold Wood and Sons Ltd. is owned by Pickfords Ltd. I wish to make it clear that this is not the case. Other than for association because......
Leyland Fighting Rising Costs
IT is with "cautious optimism" that the giant LEYLAND MOTOR CORPORATION faces the future, states its chairman, Sir William Black. In his latest annual review sent to......