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Tory Policy Blast On Labour Transport Plans
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT. 'THE Transport Holding Company, through a series of take - overs of private hauliers, expanded its holdings by £8,500,000 in 1965, asserted the......
Concern Over Insurance
THE possible failure of certain insurance companies to meet their obligations under the Road Traffic Acts was causing concern, said Mr. E. S. Bishop (Labour, Newark) in the......
Sharp Exchanges On Integration Policy
A SHORT, sharp Front Bench exchange about transport integration livened up the Commons last week. It started off innocently enough, with Sir Martin Redmayne, the Shadow Minister......
Scottish Haulage Will Grow In Size
From our Political Correspondent Ti E volume of road haulage services in Scotland is expected to continue to grow despite the diversion of some long-distance traffic to liner......
Three-lane Dangers
M OVES to combat the dangers of three-lane roads were outlined in the Commons last week by Mr. Stephen Swingler, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport. The......
Minister Meets Chairman Of Economic Planning Councils
THE Minister of Transport last week met 'chairmen of Regional Economic Planning Comcils at the Ministry. Those attending were: Mr. William Ross (Secretary of State for Scotland......
Rural Bus Crisis
R URAL bus operators were in a jam. Costs had risen so rapidly that it was almost impossible to continue to operate rural services and many of them were going out of business,......