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Tarrant Is Nccs's Md
NATIONAL CARRIERS Contract Services, part of the National Freight Consortium, has made Mike Tarrant managing director, at the company's head office in Bedford. He takes over......
Can To Pickfords Removals
Stephen Carr joins the marketing team responsible for the development of new and existing UK and overseas products and services. Mr Carr was formerly an area sales manager with......
Abdee To Chair Managers' Club
THE TRANSPORT Managers' Club London area has elected Ian Abdee chairman for 1984. He is currently a director of Speedy Delivery Service. Also elected are vice-chairman Roy......
WE RECORD with regret the death of Gerald Scott, general manager of Cargo Van Equipment. Mr Scott set up the Bridgendbased operation in 1970 and left the company in 1976 to......
Breeze's In At Brs Midlands
BRS MIDLANDS has promoted Mike Breeze to manager of its Corby branch. He will be responsible for developing the branch's activities through expanding the contract hire fleet and......
Nbc Management Changes
made changes at four of its James Cressey has become network manager for National Express. He will be based at Midland House, Birmingham and will be responsible to Clive Myers,......