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Land Rover Diesels
THE LONG-AWAITED new 2.5litre diesel engine has been launched by Land Rover for its One Ten models and for Freight Rover's Sherpa 350 range. Based on the Land Rover five bearing......
Dim/dip View
DIM-DIP devices are to become compulsory on new motor vehicles manufactured from October 1, 1986. Announcing draft Regulations, Transport Minister Lynda Chalker stated: "The......
Two-stall Horsebox
G. C. SMITH Coachworks has produced a Luton-type horse box body with two stalls suitable for medium/heavy van chassis operating up to 3.5 tonnes gvw. Mounted on a 2.5 metre (98......
What's In A Nissan?
DATSUN UK, the independent, privately owner importer of Japanese Nissan Vehicles, has changed its name to Nissan UK as part of the final phase of a three-year corporate campaign......