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No New Wincanton Branches
4CANTON Vehicle Rentals has opened two new branches at tingham and Bristol (see p14)and has appointed two new branch nagers. Jan Gowlett is branch manr for the Nottingham depot.......
Knaggs Departs
BARRY KNAGGS has resigned as manager of the south-east district of the Road Haulage Association. He leaves to move into private business. Alan Gidley, a former civil servant and......
Mcburnie On Board
JAMES McBURNIE has joined the board of Transport Management and Marketing. He will assume full time responsibility for railways, publishing and transport related courses,......
Obituary Watkins And Bloomfield
WE RECORD with regret the death of David Watkins and Robert Bloomfield. Mr Watkins, owner of Prestatyn Coachways, North Wales, was born in 1923 and after World War Two began his......
Thompson Promoted
JOHN THOMPSON has been promoted to the board of Dowman Commercial Vehicles of Stockport. The company specialises in sales and servicing of MAN and Volkswagen vehicles. Mr......