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Ecurity Lorry Park Is Opening For Business In Poole, Dorset,
on iday, June 13, on a site adjacent to the roll-on/off terminal rated by the Harbour Commissioners and used exclusively by :kline Ferries, writes JOHN DURANT. re park will be......
Lease Battle
officials are expecting de!lined opposition by West many and Italy to their new posal which would greatly Dnd within the EEC the tam of leasing road haulage ides, writes our......
Residents Oppose Deal
A WESTERN AMEY Roadstone Corporation coating plant in North Wales is trying to extend its operating hours after winning a major contract for road resurfacing. But it could face......
M25 By 1986
THE M25 London orbital motorway should be completed by 1986. To chart its progress over the following months, a map is available free of charge from the Freight Transport......