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Ministry Loses Driving Hours Appeal
DRIVING HOME BY CAR DOES NOT COUNT A TEST appeal by a Ministry of Transport traffic examiner failed in the High Court last week. If successful, it would have put legal......
Ex-uta Chief Lashes 'put Back The Clock' Policy
F ORMER Ulster Transport Authority road freight manager, Mr. R. L. Streight, recently launched an attack on the Northern Ireland Government's transport policy, and urged that......
Trta Protest
FORMAL objection to the proposed peakhour loading and unloading bans in Jameson Street and Carr Lane, Hull, have been made by the TRTA. In these streets there are many shops and......
Iru Meetings
THE following meetings have been announced by IRU: April 18: International Technical Commission —Centre International, 1 rue de Varecombe, Geneva. April 25: Presidential......