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Opposition To Rha Reorganization
THERE are growing signs that the report of the RHA study group on co-operation may not receive such an untroubled adoption as its authors had fondly anticipated. The national......
Failure Of Rha/br Co-operation
TT is now clear that the so-called "tripartite A co-operation" launched in 1962 has proved a failure. No meetings of the RHA steering committee have been held since the summer......
Second Rha Vicechairman Falls Out
ikAR. HARRY BELL, of Bell and Co. (TransLVL port) Ltd., a national vice-chairman of the Road Haulage Association has intimated that he will be unable to stand for national......
New Authority To 're-integrate' Nationalized Transport
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT DLANS to build up the State transport system into a powerful competitor for the nation's freight have been revealed by Mrs. Barbara Castle, the......