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Haulier Wins Appeal On Roadworks Delay
• A haulier who was fined for exceeding his driving hours after being held up in roadworks has won his appeal to quash the ruling. Lincolnshire-based Stephen McFarlane was not......
Westminster Aims To Raise Entry Standard To Euro-3
• by Charles Young Trucks more than two years old could be banned from central London, Westminster Council announced last week. It has backed plans to ban all trucks with......
HANDLING HALFORDS Car accessories and bike retailer Halfords has awarded TOG Logistics the sole contract to handle deliveries to its 400 stores across the UK. TDG has added a......
Tracker Leads To Stolen Truck
Police found a lorry driver dismantling a stolen £12,000 Leyland truck after the officers had been guided there by a tracking device, Wolverhampton Crown Court heard. William......