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O Ne Of The Biggest Amalgamations In Recent Years Of...
owned passenger transport companies is to take place between George Ewer and Co., Ltd. (Grey-Green Coaches), and Keith and Boyle (Orange Ltixury Coaches), Ltd. The merger will......
£200,000 Turkish Order For Leylands
A N order for 86 oil-engined good vehicles valued at £200,000 ha been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd by Cifkurt Ticaret ye Sanayai, one c the largest motor traders in Istanbu......
Deadlock At Coventry Coventry Bus Workers Were Strike For...
third successi Saturday last week. An appeal the transport committee to resin normal working so that possible var tions in the disputed schedule cot be considered has been......
Abolition Of Executives
T "Order abolishing the R Haulage, Railway, Docks Inland Waterways and Hotels Ext tives on October 1 has now been in by the Minister of Transport. I known as the British......
Marconi Tv Van For Swi!
F OLLOWING a decision by the 5 broadcasting service to telt international athletic events to be at Berne next autumn, Marconi's less Telegraph Co., Ltd., Chelms have received an......