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Atkinson Exports 50 Per Cent. Up
XPORTS of Atkinson vehicles last year were nearly 50 per cent. ater than in the previous year and up a record. Nevertheless, says Mr. G. Allen, chairman of Atkinson Tics......
Ipswich Accepts Higher Tender Lthough Leyland Motors,...
lower price, four A.E.C. es with Park Royal bodies are immended to be purchased by Nich Corporation. It was decided preserve standardization on A.E.C.k Royal products, but the......
I Dollar Export Inquiry
[AKERS of alternators and electric I fuel pumps suitable for road iicles are invited to communicate h -the Cleveland Ignition Co., 1301 )erior Avenue, N.E., Cleveland, io. They......
Appeal Against Closing
A N appeal against the closing of London's Judd Street coach station is to be made to the Ministry of Town and Country Planning by the present lessees, P.S.V. Operators, Ltd.,......
Small Shops To Cut Costs
A S transport and repair costs are so high, Darlington Co-operative Society are to pursue a policy of establishing small grocery shops near their members, instead of having a......
I.o.t.a. Fixtures
CORTHCOMING arrangements of 1 the Merseyside centre of the Institute of Traffic Administration include the following:— October 16, lecture by E. Webster on the effects of......
Arlington Display
A COMMERCIAL-VEHICLE disr't play and service show is to be held from September 14-19 by the East Anglian branch of the Arlington Motor Co., Ltd., at Sudbury, Suffolk. A large......
Electrics For Ramsg Ate?
R AMSGATES borough engineer is to prepare a scheme for the introduction next April of battery-electric street-orderly trucks. At present, hand barrows are used and sweepers'......
Big Saving With British Vehicles
VET another order, emphasizing the I economy of British oil-engined vehicles under gruelling conditions overseas, has been placed for Leyland machines by a large undertaking in......
Bonus Scheme For Glasgow Workers
A WORKERS' bonus scheme is to be tried by Glasgow Transport Department in a section of the workshops. Negotiations are proceeding with trade unions and employees. The......
Workers Shun Consultants
D RIVERS and conductors of Bolton Transport Department have decided that the best way they can help the department is by working with the transport committee and management, and......