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Loudon Traffic Report.
The Select Committee on London's Traffic published its recommendations last week. They include, as was universally anticipated, for the provision of one central authority with......
Advisory Committee On Benzole.
The National Benzole Association announces that with the co-operation of the Motor Fnels joint •Committee, an Advisory Committee has been formed with-the following terms of......
French Municipal Motorization.
Before the war the French municipal council had decided on the total abolition of horses in the municipal services. The fire brigade was the first to be completely motorized.......
Price Of Petrol In London And New York.
In the House of Commons last week, Lieut.-col. Spender Clay asked the President of the Board of Trade what is. the average price of petrol in London and New York respectively......
Automobile Engineers In Scotland.'
The Scottish Centre, of the Institution of, Automobile Engineers, which 'so:spend - ad its activities during the latter part of the war, owing to the naajerity of its members......
Road Congress Topics.
The County Councils association has arranged for the following tonics to be dealt with at the forthcoming road congress:— Friday, November 2.1st.—Paperon " Concrete roads, their......
American War Lorries In France.
After a long delay the French commisSioners have accepted the terms of the American Government for the whole of the American Army material now lying in France, the value of......
Road Transport Board Resigna Tion.
The Board of Trade announce that Sir Evan Jones, Bart., M.P., has resigned his ponition as chairman of the Road Transport Board. The main tidies of the local orgenization of the......