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To Help Inventors.
The Government's Patents • Bill, which, in the Words of Sir G. Croydon Marks, gives the "cheapest patents on earth" was read a second time one day last week. Sir Auckland......
. Weathering A Storm.
The interesting illustration which we publish on-this page will give some idea of the force of a recent storm experienced in Yorkshire. It show f the reSults of the collapse of......
S. Smith And Sons At Shepper Ton.
The administrative staff, together with the din:dors, of S. Smith and Soria (M.A.), Ltd., have just' held their first annual outing. This took the farm of a river excursion from......
A Lcmg Non-stop Run.
,During the second week in July the contents of one of the water supply reservoirs.attached to the Farington Steel Works of Leyland Motors, Ltd., near Preston, became partially......
Brighton Buses And Road Upkeep.
An arrangement which, it is believed, embodies a new principle in regard to the contribution by bus traffic towards the cost of the upkeep of public roads, has been arrived at......