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Council To Buy Up Bus Company ?
A CCORDING irs a. report of the general pUrposes and watch com mittee of Cheltenham Town •Council. there is a possibility of the bus services being taken over by the council.......
A N express service to Butlin's camp rAat Filey, Yorkshire, was inaugurated last week-end when a 33-seater Allenways coach left 580, Moseley Road, Birmingham, with the first......
Get Together
week holiday period ending August 27, when three vehicles are to be run on the same tune-table. The coach leaves Moseley Road at 11 p.m. on Fridays, and, after picking up......
Fuel Ration' Goes On: Coach Cut ?
THE Minister of Fuel and Power has . decided that the time is not appropriate to discontinue the rationing of commercial petrol — a decision in accordance with a recommendation......