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Transport Services Winding-up
AN extraordinary meeting of Transport Services, Ltd., to he held on September 8. will consider the voluntary winding-up of the company, which was taken over by the British......
Plug And Socket Standard
R EVIS1ONS have been Made by the IN-British Standards -Institution in the 50-amp. Plug and s'ocket, which was introdueed to .net the requirements of the smaller types of • .......
J. Can Be Turned Off Route N Existing . Operator Can,
in the ripublic interest, be removed from an area or route, under the provisions of the Motor Carrier Tra n spOrtation Amendment Bill, which the Minister of . Transport .has......
To Road Work S—
S26,000,000 I N the year ended March, 1948, payments from the Road Fund in connection with the maintenance and improvement of roads, and the construction of new ones, came lo.......
A N Application By Messrs. Majestic Motors For Permission...
a miners' bus service between Stainforth and Thorne Colliery. near Doncaster, was unsuccessfully opposed before the Yorkshire Licensing Authority at Sheffield, last week. The......
David Brown Service Manual
T HE recently published service manual dealing with the David Brown tractor reaches a high standard in literature of this kind. It is split up into 14 sections, reference to any......
'guy Builds Buses Complete
C OMPLETE buses with bodies built in "the recently -constructed bodybuilding depadment of Gtly Motors. Ltd., Wolverhampton, have "been dehvered to Wolverhampton Corporation,......
Laundry Transport Costs Too High?
T RANSPORT costs for laundry Work were discussed by Mr. N. Thackeray, secretary , of United Co-operative Laundries Association, Ltd., at a staff conference held at Warrington.......
Cyclists Take Hull's Profits
R EFERRING to "hordes of IN. cyclists as a factor in the trans port situation, the Lord Mayor (Ald, J. Henson), who is chairman of the passenger transport committee, said:......