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Stott Agaiii
IN fluid . • I have just read the report (CM July 1) that Dr T. J. Hunt claims driver fatigue is mainly "pure hypothesis". He is described as "one of the best authorities on......
Beinketa Ett Ike
In 'Bird's Eye View' (CM July 15) The Hawk is obviously blinkered to refer to trams in the past tense, and biased to describe their modus operandi, circa 1929, in order to draw......
I Read, With Interest, The Article Headed Boozers' Buses (cm
July 8) and have since thought about this a great deal, and agree whole-heartedly with The Hawk's observations. It really is not worthwhile taking a party on any expedition for......
Sumba Ben Oh
In the test drive report on the AEC Leyland coach (CM June 24), I was interested to note the adverse comments on the performance of the standard option of the hydraulic power......