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T's Boom Hime For Clover
AULIERS are operating a )orn period for Dover docks: per cent more vehicles used Le port during the first half of is year than in the same riod last year. Figures issued by the......
Labour Splits On Transport
LABOUR Party chiefs face a Party revolt over Transport Minister William Rodgers' White Paper, informed sources revealed this week. Already, motions have been tabled for the......
'double Mi Up' On
permits plan A PROPOSAL to double the number of international haulage permits that allow hauliers to travel between EEC countries regardless of nationality is likely to be......
Service Stations
TRANSPORT minister William Rodgers has urged the Prices Commission to carry out an inquiry into the running of motorway service stations. The initiative for the inquiry came in......
Ma/unions Step Forward
L1CCESSFUL talks between Le Road Haulage Association id the Transport and General 7 orkers Union and the United oad Transport Union this eek, have resulted in the tting-up of a......