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State View On Meat Transport
THE use of ordinary vans for the 1 transport of meat was most unsatisfactory, and it was hoped that licensing considerations would not hinder a change-over to special insulated......
Rapid Growth Reflects Need
T HE rapid increase of membership of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers amply demonstrated the need for the organization, said Mr. J. K. Bennett, general secretary, at......
41 Seats Instead Of 25
A NUMBER of petrol-engined 25seaters run by Bour-emouth Transport Department is being replaced by six Leyland Royal Tiger 41-seaters. The new vehicles have rear entrances and......
Night Coach Services Popular
MIGHT express coach services were 1 becoming increasingly popular because they saved the cost of a night's accommodation and lengthened a holiday, said Mr. T. B. Maund,......
"working Men's" Continental Tour?
S UPPORTING an application for a "working men's" tour of the Continent before the Scottish Licensing Authority, last week, an American welfare worker said there had been......
Big New Western S.m.t. Depot A New Depot Of The Western
S.M.T.. Co., Ltd., with a covered area of 53,130 sq. ft., was opened at Curnnock, Ayrshire, last Friday, by Mr. W. P. Quin, Scottish Licensing Authority. It was the third of a......
£150,000 For New Bus Depot
MORK will begin in March on a W new central bus depot at Lady burn. Greenock, for the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd. The estimated cost of the new depot, which is expected to be ready......
Better Transport Needed
T HEneed for better transport facilities in Cumberland to meet the requirements of industry, was emphasized by Lord Adams at the annual meeting, at Whitehaven, of the Cumberland......
Watch For Regulations Traders Should Keep A Keen Watch 1
for any proposed traffic regulations in their locality, Mr. R. E. G Brown, secretary of the -London and Home Counties Division of the Traders Road Transport Association, said......
£7m. Profit For B.r.s.?
S PEAKING at a dinner of the Worshipful Company of Carmen last week, Lord Hurcomb, former chairman of the British Transport Commission, placed the trading profits of British......