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46 For Alexander
,rHARLES ALEXANDER AND k.d . PARTNERS (TRANSPORT) LTD. have been granted the additional 46 vehicles applied for to put into operation the transport of Aberdeen fish to all the......
Appeals Allowed In London On Wednesday The Transport I...
allowed part of an appeal by Lowestoft Coaling Co. Ltd., permitting two B-licensed vehicles to carry pea haulm, but the Tribunal upheld the Eastern deputy Licens:ng Authority's......
Driver's Licence Should Not Be Endorsed
T HEQueen's Bench Divisional Court ruled last Fricfay.that magistrates who convicted Mr. Maurice Beighton of using a lorry with an insecure load were not obliged to endorse Mr.......
Quarry Owners Did Not Aid And Abet Haulier—high Court
l‘AAGISTRATES sitting at Prescot. al Lanes, on February 5. 1964, were wrong to convict a firm of quarry owners of aiding and abetting a haulage contractor to use a motor vehicle......