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Leyland Shuts Site
HE FAST-COLLAPSING doublekeck bus market has claimed nother victim. Leyland Bus is to lose its Bristol Commercial Pellicles plant in November and ransfer Olympian production to......
Ecw For Lothian
OTHIAN Region's controversial "der for 34 double-deck bodies n Leyland Olympian chassis as been placed, after all, with „astern Coach Works. Alexander contested the iriginal......
Bus Centenary
CARDIFF is to be the scene of a bus rally to celebrate 100 years of municipal public transport. The event, organised by the Association of District Councils and the Historic......
Easter Arrangements
THE POSSIBILITY of standardising all Metrobus services in West Yorkshire on Holiday dates at Easter, May Day and Spring Bank Holiday is being looked at by West Yorkshire PTE.......
0-licence Renewed
THE PSV operator's licence held by the Berresford Motors associate, William Stonier and Sons of Tunstall has been renewed for 12 months by the West Midland Traffic......