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Mutiny On The School Crossing
ENGLAND is in the grip of insurrection. A Yorkshire schoolcrossing warden has refused to brandish her lollipop in her right hand as prescribed. In more robust days she would at......
Once More Into The Beeching
IF THE Angry Brigade had tried to blow up the Palace of Westminster instead of the Conservatives' humble Leeds office, the explosion could scarcely have been louder than that......
A Long Way From The Soup Kitchen
ROULETTE and blackjack will be among the elegant diversions at the first Fleet news show charity banquet and ball in aid of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund at the......
How To Put A Tiger In The Bank
THE RAILWAYS are commemorated on many an inn sign but the "Leyland Tiger" at Earnshaw Bridge is, so far as I know, the first pub to take its name from a commercial vehicle.......
200,000 Cases Of Dutch Courage
BRITONS obviously like a kick to their custard, because between autumn and early spring, Erven Warnink, of Rotterdam, will export more than 200,000 cases of advocaat to this......