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Hartlepool Operator Told To See Council
HEAVY LORRY parking in Hartlepool has been a problem for some time, but co-operation with the local council could make life easier. This became apparent last month when Northern......
Book For The Med By Sealink
ROAD HAULIERS on Sealink's cross-Channel services can now book through on to Mediterranean services operated by the Tirrenia and Adriatica Lines. Tirrenia, which serves Algiers,......
Lex Buys Into Uc
L.EX Service Group, which ilready has substantial intersts in parcels transport, has ncreased its share in United 7.arriers from 16.5 to 28 per :ent. United Carriers are......
More To Sweden
1..DDITI0NAL Swedish Lloyd erry services start this month .etween Gothenburg and the hiked Kingdom. The company's new scheule includes three return ailings to Tilbury, two to......
Craven's Big Orders
CRAVEN TASKER (Andover) Ltd reports £0.75m worth of orders for skeletal and bodied trailers for use in Britain and overseas. Atlantic Container Line Services are taking......
Go-fast Closes Its Operation
GO-FAST Ltd has closed down its parcels delivery operations, creating 90 redundancies in Liverpool, Denbigh, Builth Road, Daventry, and Norwich. The company, which took over......