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Trunk Roads Wait
!CREASED LORRY weights will not affect the Governent's trunk road programme until after the Armitage Inquiry is reported in the autumn. The House of Commons Select 3mmittee on......
• .ively Tacho Debate
see whether vehicles over 3.5 exempted from the tachograph HE Transport Minister is to letric tons liveweight can be tquirements. Norman Fowler made this romise in the Commons,......
Achographs: A Queson And Answer Guide Has Een Published By
the Deailment of Transport to give rivers and operators a clear iew of how they are Ffected by the regulations. It ; available from Her Majesif's Stationery Office for 1.50 net.......
Cmldo Results
FURTHER CM Lorry Driver of the Year results have been announced for the following areas: Bristol. Class A: A. Clark, Avon Area Health Authority; Class B: S. Hilleard, Post......
Vat 80
A REVISED VAT leaflet entitled Cancelling Your Registration, details new turnover limits which were introduced on June 1. The leaflet, available from any local VAT office, also......