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Wens Cut Staff In 25pc 'slimming Diet'
cent cut across the board, and includes production-line, administrative, and managerial staff , He pointed out that, while Fodens have increased penetration in the six and......
100 Jobs
AT LEAST 100 jobs . will be created when White Truck Concessionaires open their Merseyside factory (CM June 28) in September. Fifty jobs will be created when the factory, at......
Cm Test
AN UNECONOMIC fixed Channel link could lead to restrictions on ferry services, says the Freight Transport Association. In evidence submitted to the House of Commons Select......
Japs On The Way
JAPANESE commercial vehicles are poised to take on world, according to a £1,000 report just published by Economist Intelligence Unit. It says that, last year, the exists to......
Fewer Drivers?
THE DEMAND for laboui road haulage is down, an is likely to go on droppi says Overdrive, the contt driving subsidiary of M power. According to its latest qu erly survey, just......