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Minister Should Advise On Values
M.P. Criticizes Formation of Units : B.T.C. Alleged to Ignore Spirit of 1953 Act BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT IT was time that the Minister of Transport advised the Road......
Passengers To Give " Stop " Signal
A CONDITION requiring all public service vehicle operators to permit passengers to give the " stop " signal on their vehicles will in future be attached to all licences issued......
300% Increase In Leyland Export Business
Q RDERS for Leyland vehicles received from overseas since the current financial year began in October were nearly 300 per cent, more than in the corresponding period last year.......
Minister Rejects Ban
THE Minister of Transport has rejected a proposal to ban parking in Catterick village because there appears to be no alternative place at which to provide cafés for transport......
Cut Tax, Say T.u.c.
W E consider that there is a strong case for cutting the Customs and Excise duties on imported and indigenous heavy oils used as road fuel." The general council of the Trades......