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B.t.c. Not "wilting Sellers "—r.p.t.a.
A RESOLUTION deploring the Pt impression that, according to the "abnormal number" of tenders rejected, the British Transport Commission are not acting as "willing sellers," has......
B.t.c., Corrects Statements
• 'ON uNtrs , S ° far as the unit could be identified, the statement in the House of Commons on Monday (page 118) that the British Transport Commission were offering vehicles......
Road Expenditure
A BOUT £151m. is to be spent on 1 - 1 roads during the next three years. By 1957-58 the level of El4im. is expected to be reached, and it is hoped to maintain that expenditure......
Agreement On Wage Policy
A N agreement on policy on the wages of clerical anci supervisory staff employed ,by bus companies has been reached between the Transport and General Workers' Union and the......
Unions Ask Minister's Help
A N approach is to be made to the Minister of Labour by the three unions representing some 40,000 workers in the vehicle building industry, asking him to intervene in the......
Pay Claim To Tribunal A Claim By Workers In The
motor vehicle retail and repairing trade for an increase in wages is to be heard by the Industrial Disputes Tribunal on March 18.......
New T.r.t.a. Officers
O N Monday, Mr. W. H. Palmer was elected chairman of the Potteries Area of the Traders' Road Transport Association. Mr. A. E. Booth and Mr. E. Dale were elected vice-chairmen,......
• Lower Road Fare Wins Appeal
A Nappeal by British Railways against the grant of a licence to Hall Bros. (South Shields), Ltd., permitting them to operate an express service between South Shields, Coventry......
New Regulations On Exhaust Fumes ?
R EGULATIONS concerning t h e emission of smoke from vehicles would be reconsidered to discover whether they fulfilled the purpose for which they were framed, said Lord Lloyd,......
Nottingham Tries Again Uwe Months After The East Midland...
Authority rejected a proposal of Nottingham Corporation to abolish early morning return fares, the corporation have applied for permission to replace them by special single......