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Protest Fee For Lorry Driver Final
A PROPOSAL by Mr. Gerald Ashton, 2-1 national clerk of the course of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition, that a fee of 11 be levied on a driver making a protest at the......
Smith Group Expands
TRAFFIC services of H. L. Walker Ltd. are now being transferred from Thornabv-on-Tees to new premises in Haverton Hill Road, Stockton-on-Tees. The specially built depot at......
Little Neddy For Transport?
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT 'THE setting up of a "Little Neddy " 1 for freight transport—an economic development committee to deal specifically with the problems of the......
Bravery Award For Brs Driver
S EEN here receiving a cheque for £100 and a certificate of commendation presented by (on the left) Mr. Harold Elliott, chairman of BRS (Meat Haulage) and Mr. R. H. Lloyd,......