5th November 1965, Page 45
5th November 1965
Page 45

Page 45, 5th November 1965
Queen's Bench Ruling On Dropping Oil
Asr week the Queen's Bench Divisional Court gave a ruling on the meaning of the word " emission" in Regulation 80 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, 1963.......
Maintenance Costs
T HE transport committee • of the Lancashire County Council is to receive on November 22 a full report on the 12 months' operation of the pilot scheme, Centred on the......
Lift-up Tipping Trailer Has Underfloor Rams
New Neville Design for 32 tons G.t.w. By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.LMech.E 1 - 1. A PAYLOAD capacity of 20 tons 10 cwt. and a 19 cu. yd. body with a length of 27 ft 6 in. are......