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Simms Not To Drop Vehicle Electrics Jt Has Been Pointed
out to The Commercial Motor that there was an ambiguous beading to a story in last week's issue, dealing with the negotiations for the sale of the Riverside electrical component......
Historic Vehicles Film A New National Benzole Film About...
vehicles, "The Faithful Carrier," was given its premiere last week. " The Faithful Carrier" is based on the first-ever London to Brighton run of historic commercial vehicles......
D.e.u.a. Annual Meeting
THE annual general meeting of the Diesel Engineers and Users Association will open on Thursday. October 18, at the Institute of Marine Engineers, 76 Mark Lane, London, E.C.3, at......
Display Vehicle For British Aluminium
A NEW display vehicle recently constructed for The British Aluminium Co., Ltd., is now engaged on a twomonth tour of Britain's vehicle manu facturers. The elaborately equipped......