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• Glasgow-based Component Manufacturer
Autootivc has taken over Volvo's UK component manufacturer, Farin g ton Components of Preston.......
• Theconfederation Of British Industry Has Attacked The...
not having a positive transport policy. A draft statement on transport strate g y warns that Government ditherin g is dama g in g the economy and the environment.......
• A Nelpline For Scottish Businesses Has Been Set Up
by the Inland Revenue to offer advice on PAYE, National Insurance, VAT, Excise Duties or Inland Customs en q uiries. Contact (0345) 143143.......
• The Marine Safety Agency Has , Eared Cheshire Haulier
PE Blake of blame after a tankers spilt 0,5 lit of benzyl bromide on a ferry, puttin g ei g ht people in hospital.......
• Hauliers Will Have To Pay Road Char G Es In Austric
from 1 July1996. Trucks up to 7.5 tonnes will pay ASch5,000 (£310); heavier vehicles will pay ASch13,000 (£812).......
• Environmental G Roup Transport 2000 Is Callin G On The...
to switch fundin g from rood buildin g to other forms of transport and road maintenance.......
7, International Lo G Istics G Roup Nfc Has Appointed...
as new Group Finance Director. He takes over from Trevor an who resi g ned following a re-or g anisation.......
• Optimismamong Small Businessmen Is At Its Lowest Level For
three years and sales are at a 15-mo nth low, says NatWest Small Business Research Trust.......
Tgwu Demands 5 An Hour Minimum...
By Lee Kimber • The Transport and General Workers Union is to campaign for a £5-an-hour minimum wage for LGV drivers in the belief that a driver shortage has strengthened its......
• The Tgwu Is Shootin G Itself In The Foot, According
to Aberdeen-based ARR Craib director Eddie Anderson. They should go for the hauliers who don't yet pay the going rates. "In this area, an awful lot of companies aren't payin g......
• "i'll Be Quite Frank," Says Mike Beer Of Kentbased
Mike Beer Transport, "we don't seem to be taking a lot of notice of rates generally." Instead, he says, his drivers are paid around C5.50—slightly more than the re g ion's g...... Mp Says Drivers Forced To Take £4
III Jobcentres do not force unemployed truck drivers to work for poverty wages, says the Department of Employment, but it admits that their benefits will be cut if they turn......