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Owner-drivers To Lose Benefit
by Lee Mather • Owner-drivers will be no longer be eligible for mortgage interest payments from the Government if they are forced out of work, but self-employed workers should......
Bristol Plan For Car Trains
• A bus company is collaborating with the port of Bristol in a bid to re-open a section of disused railway and transfer up to 300,000 cars a year from road to rail. They are......
Report Predicts Big Motorway Toll Row
• The imposition of motorway tolls would be as unpopular as the poll tax and could lead to a campaign of major civil disobedience, according to a report published this week by......
Truck Emissions Warning
• Following increases in road freight, goods vehicles will produce up to 80% of all nitrogen oxide (N0x) from road traffic by 2005, warns The Financial Times Automotive Report......