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95% Of "heavies" Exceed Limit
A BOUT 95 per cent. of heavy goods vehicles exceed 20 m.p.h., and approximately 65-70 per cent. are driven at more than 25 mph., outside builtup areas, Mr. Lennox-Boyd told Mr.......
Niore Enforcement Officers? 'the Minister Of Transport...
Callaghan in the House of Commons last week that he was inquiring into the need for an increase in driving and traffic examination staff to enable more time to be spent on......
U.a.s. Appeals Rejecled
PPEALS by United Automobile t - k Services, Ltd., against the grant of permission to Stockton Corporation to operate services on certain roads in Billingliam, and to 'operate......
Latest Northern Purchases
N "purchases of transport units announced by the Northern Licensing Authority on Tuesday are by Mr. C. W. Tinkler, 7 LoWson Street, Stillington, Stockton, of one vehicle (2 tons......
7,508 Gallons Of Foam In 11 Minutes 'two Fire Tenders
for use on airfields, which can be broughtinto operation while approaching the scene of a fire, will be shown by the Pyrene Co., Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, at the......
$1,858,964 American Contract For Rootes
A CONTRACT valued at $1,858,964 for reconditioning about 4,500 American Air Force vehicles based in Britain has been awarded to the Rootes Group. The work will be done in •......
New Crossley Venture Xclusive Rights To Manufacture...
designed by Craven Bros. have been granted to Crossley Motors, Ltd. As reported last week, Craven's chairman, Mr. 3. R. Greenwood, has become deputy-chairman of Crossley and has......
• Tanker Business Improves. A Revival In Business In Road
tankers was reported last week by Dr. R. J. S. Seligman, chairman of I he A.P.V. Co., Ltd. He said that sales in 1953 were smaller than in 1952, but that orders received so far......
Loss Of £65,250 At Blackpool In 1956?
A BALANCE of £46,449 at the ti beginning of the current financial year may have become a loss of £65,250 by the end of March, 1956, according to an interim report which the new......
Education For Transport Qtudy Courses Of The Institute Of...
and the Royal Society of Arts are planned at a large number of technical colleges in Yorkshire during the 1954-55 session. Both courses will be available at Barnsley, Bradford,......
Two Special A's Refused 't'wo Applications For Special A I
licences had been refused because the bases from which the vehicles were to operate differed from those from which they were run by the British Transport Commission, Mr.......
Bus—rail--city Service
A N all-the-year-round daily service connecting Sheffield's two railway stations with bus stations and the city centre is to be run by the transport department. Permission has......