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'overkill': An All To Familiar Pattern...
• We have had safety legislation for many years in the form of the Factories Act although, as the title implies, the areas affected by that legislation were limited. Then, in......
Curtailment Amply Justified Says Tribunal
Hazel Georgina Wall (Martley Landscapes and Driveways) • When a tipper operated by Hazel Georgina Wall, trading as Martley Landscapes and Driveways, was seen by a vehicle......
Another Chance For Haulier
Thomas Colclough (Tommy International Transport) • A licence application by a Southampton haulier refused because of his bankruptcy has been referred back to the South Eastern......
Tribunal Hears The Treasury Solicitor's Views
Fox Lane Metals Sunnyside Removals • The South Eastern LA has been asked to reconsider two licence applications to base vehicles at Greenhedges, Hawley Lane, Farnborough, after......