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More Dereg Attacks
• Transport secretary John Moore disputed Labour MPs' attempts to brand deregulation a failure in the House of Commons East week. Moore was replying to complaints from the......
Curtains For Camell's Tours
/ Carnell's Tours, the Sheffield-based PSV operator, has gone into voluntary liquidation with debts of more than 670,000. The decision to wind up the company was taken on......
• Lrt Builders Plans To Shed 462 Jobs, In Addition
to the 200 cut by voluntary severance since August, in an effort to overcome losses which stand at 23.2 million for the first six months of the current financial year,......
The School Bus Blues
• The length of the eightvehicle PSV operator's licence held by Cathedral Coaches of Gloucester has been cut by three years and the company warned that its licence will be......
London Buses Strike Fails
• The walkout by maintenance men at London Bus depots (GM headlines, last week) appears to be over following a vote by TGWU members to accept the company's offer on pay and......
• Last Year West Yorkshire Pte Enjoyed An 18 Million
rise in passengers and an 28.9 million improvement in trading. West Yorkshire has set aside 210.2 million from its reserves to help pay the transitional costs of deregulation,......
• Paris Coach Operator Jean Claud Gallienne Has Signalled...
intention to purchase at least one of the subsidiaries of the National Bus Company. Gallienne has asked the NBC to supply him with details about several NBC companies in the......
• Capital, The Pressure Group Representing London's...
and unions, is claiming that London Buses faces further cuts in services amounting to £24 million during 1987/88. Capital says that it has learnt from "reliable sources in LRT"......