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The Price Of Safety
To meet the new and proposed regulations on the carriage of hazardous loads is likely to cost £2,500 per artic tanker by CM reporter OPERATING vehicles carrying hazardous......
Nif I Buy An Electrically Operated Mobile Crane Does It
have to be plated and does the driver need an hgv licence? A An electrically operated mobile crane does not have to be plated and tested. Mobile cranes are exempt under......
Q / Operate Coaches On Private Hire And Contract Work. A
representative from a printer's firm called recently and offered to sell me the new EEC-type log sheets. I was under the impression that these were, like the present log books,......
Q I Have Been Offered Work Picking Up Unaccompanied...
the docks and hauling them to destinations in this country. This will be the first time I have undertaken this work and I have made myself familiar with the hours of work......
Q Where Should The First-aid Kit On A Coach Be Carried?
A The Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness, Equipment, and Use) Regulations 1972 state only that "the said receptacle shall be carried in such a position as to be......
I Have A Low-loader With A Four-in-line Rear Axle On
which I carry machinery. What is the maximum legal loading which can be put on this rear axle? RegulatiOn 87(4) of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations applies......